SynchroNice / Third Edition / 2018
This interview is about as jumpy as her lovely personality, so Helen to get to that personality right away…How would you describe yourself in a few characteristics? Howmany 5-10-20?? Ha-ha no seriously, I think people who knowme would call me energetic & am- bitious but also creative & a little crazy. Caring and protective would suit me as well though, but even more than that, I’m very impulsive, somewhat stub- born and extremely curious. This is why my middle name is “Why?” or at least it is my favourite question. Where does all the energy come from? My mother’s pregnancy of me was at its end when she decided to visit my brother’s Hockey match and it was during one of her spontaneous cheers for my brother that I decided to make my appearance. luckily, I waited another 40 minutes for her to make it to the hospital. So, you were practically born on the ice rink, that’s why you love it that much? My brother was a really good hockey player, so I was at the Ice rink more than I can remember. At the age of 3 my mom and dad put a pair of skates on my feet and since then I was to be found on ice and still am. Do you have any children yourself? Yes, I have 2 beauti- ful daughters. 13-year-old Hanna skating in my former Novice team Karisma and Emma who is almost 9 years old and totally into handball. So luckily, it’s not all ska- ting and skating alone in my family. And where do you live? Me and my family live just outside Gothenburg. In my childhood I used to live outside Gothenburg as well, in a small town called Lerum. Is coaching full time for you or what do you do for a living? I’ve been working all sorts of jobs over the years, like in a hotel, clothing store or a school, but also as a life guard, swim teacher, masseuse, at a gym, reception work, restaurant etc, etc. All those different experiences helped me to sculpt my abilities as a Skating Coach. I studied sports leadership at university and that gave me excellent grounds to help me start my coaching ca- reer. Subjects like for instance leadership, organization, anatomy, healthcare, trim damage, music learning, ethics and morals were great material for my coaching job. How did this come about, you becoming a coach, did you skate yourself as well? I was skating Singles at first and I loved the competitions and the great focus and show that it demanded. I managed to do all the jumps, even up to triple toe, but I quit at the age of 16 when I discovered synchronized skating and Team Surprise. I started skating in Team Surprise and skated there for many years, really loving every moment. It developed me enormously as a skater, a team player and it has given me a lot of strength and courage. I’m still really proud that I was able to be part of a great team like that. I can imagine, but the coaching? 6 months after I quit Team Surprise I started my coaching career and Team Boo- merang was born. After a few years I felt I wanted more, that’s when I started the junior team, Team Convivium. I remember how tough it was to be a first-time mom and have two teams competing internationally and even at Worlds. Nevertheless, I felt like I’d started to create something big and I wanted to create more, so I started a novice team as well, Team Karisma. After two years one of my old skaters was motivated to take over the coaching for the novice team so I had more time again to focus on Convivium and Boomerang. I still treasure great memories with both teams and had many wonderful years with wonderful skaters, team leaders, captains, coaches and parents etc, etc. What is it that makes coaching so special for you? Probably the best thing about coaching is just your daily routine, being together with the girls, watching them grow and develop as skaters as well as personalities and teammates. I love to see their joy and happiness when we succeed after hard work…. That is really pri- celess. It’s hard to find words fitting the feeling in your body when you’re standing next to the ice, being a coach It’s so much fun observing people next to the ice-rink, when you have a camera and one of those big tele lenses. I used to imagine people to be like this or that, but since we have our magazine SynchroNice, I just inter- view these people to get to know them. One of these people will look very familiar to you as well…. Helen Wieland, former Coach of Swedish teams Boomerang and Convivium, but started this season coaching with her all new club/team Team Unity. She’s so much fun to watch when her team is on the ice… Jumping, che- wing, walking back and forth, nail biting and making the craziest faces and pulling, pushing or plucking her assistant coach… She’s definitely a totally focussed kind of coach and anxious for a good performance of her team. HELENWIELAND Team Unity SYNCHRO NICE 95
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