SynchroNice / Third Edition / 2018

For me personally it is very important that I am an am- bassador that helps to increase the popularity of skating and inspire our youth. One of my goals is also to create a giant network where we can all work together to help Synchronized Skating take another step forward. I really want to be the Synchro skaters’ representative and convey ‘our’ thoughts and ideas whilst working to take the next step forward. And were you active already? Last fall, I was elected to take part in a Working Group that will conduct a study on the conditions regarding the inclusion of Synchro- nized Skating in the program of the Olympic Winter Games. If I state that this is our main goal and, if you will, our main dream, to be part of the Olympic Winter Games, I think I speak for all of us. Synchronized skating is such a fantastic sport. Every year, we develop more and more and Synchro isn’t certainly the same anymore, as it used to be just a few years ago. For that matter you’re stepping in at the right time? Yes, but I am also proud to be part of this development and to see all the progress we’re making. Another major issue that has been discussed over and over again is the number of skaters on the ice at any Olympic inclusion. Are we going from 16 skaters to 12 skaters, do we have to? My personal opinion in this matter is that we continue on having teams consisting of 16 skaters and that is what I also will stand for and will defend as your represent- ative. Has reducing the skaters happened before in history? Yes, but with only 12 skaters left, you’re talking a whole new sport. Synchronized Skating is a Skating discipline where 16 skaters make different formations on the ice, who’ll go from a 4-row formation to a 3-row formation, rows that interact with each other and many other formations. How will it look if there are “only” 12 skaters left on the ice? You’ll lose all feeling of unison and Synchro as we know it. I really do believe that we still have so much left to give to the sport and to develop it even further. Let us continue to be creative and develop Synchro. Let us start by reviewing the rules and other circum- stances we can influence and not start with the reduction of the number of skaters. That is my opinion. Sound like they made the right choice putting you in that Athletes Commission. Well I really do love Syn- chronized Skating and will do anything to help it move forward. To me Synchronized Skating is also all about sharing all those beautiful moments together as a team and it’s amazing, they’ll last to be memories you will have for life. Nathalie great talking to you, have you got a nice quote for us, to finish our interview?  No challenge is too big, the only thing limiting you, is your mind-set. Dare and work hard. started in Synchronized Skating once again. To be hon- est, even in my early childhood I have always dreamed of being part of Team Surprise. Of course, I already knew Andrea Dohany one of the most gifted coaches in the world, she’s been my coach ever since I started skating. Considering your age at this point, I guess you’ve been around? Oh yes, you can say that again. During my years as a senior synchro skater I participated in no less than 7 World Championships, including the one where Team Surprise won the gold medal, the memorable 2012 World Championships in Gothenburg. So, the next one will be special to you? Yes, I’m really looking forward to skating in my 8th World Championship and this time, once again in our beautiful Sweden. The whole world should visit Stockholm, on the 6-7th of April 2018. So, your life was already all about skating and then what happened? True, besides all the time I already spend on ice as well as all off-ice training, I took upon me another important task. Explain… At the 56th ISU Ordinary Congress 2016 in Dubrovnik, Croatia the ISU decided to introduce an ISU Athletes Commission. After applying for it at the Swedish Figure Skating Association, they had me nominated for this vacancy at the ISU, so finally I got the honor of representing the Synchronized Skating community in this commission. At this point, together with John Coughlin from the USA representing Single and Pair Skating, Luzia Zlotkowska from Poland representing Speed Skating, Viktor Knoch from Hungary representing Short Track Speed Skating and Alper Ucar from Turkey representing Ice Dance we embody the ISU Athletes Commission. But what is your task within this Commission? I’d rather talk of my mission in this ISU Athletes Commission, I want to rep- resent the views of all Synchronized Skating athletes and at least make sure their voice is heard, within and outside the ISU. That’s rather vague, can you be more specific? Sure, it is about hearing the athlete’s opinions and ideas. It can be about anything, for instance about rules and regulations, about events or marketing of the sport, health and welfare etc. If we have an opinion in these matters I’ll make sure this opinion is heard by the right people and authorities. I will furthermore support the ISU in its mission to develop and promote Synchronized Skating and I will engage actively in initiatives and projects that protect and support clean athletes on and off the field of play. - NATHALIE LINDQVIST - TeamSurprise SYNCHRO NICE 75