SynchroNice / Fourth Edition / 2019

Of course, Synchronized Skating comes first, but the Finlandia Cup is actually not all about Synchro. There are also men’s and lady’s Figure Skating and Ice Dance and pairs as well - beautiful to watch. Synchro is in fact just a very small part of the whole Trophy, but a very exciting part. You can see how Finnish people love their Synchronized Skaters, as the facility gets really crowded just before the competition starts and the cheering gets really loud. The tension was nicely built up on Social Media over the few weeks before. What will the themes be? How will the dresses look? And of course, who will win? This year we were treated to the best of the best: 4 Finnish teams and 3 Russian teams showed us their Short program. Incredible to see how far the teams have already progressed in the new programs, this early in the season. Will this year’s outcome be a good guide to how it’s going to be during this season? We have to wait and see. SYNCHRO NICE 9