SynchroNice / Fourth Edition / 2019

won several medals at different international competi­ tions but also 3 times Gold + 3 times Silver at Nationals and 1 Bronze medal too. So, what is successful? YOU’RE YOUNG, SO YOU MUST HAVE ALL KINDS OF GOALS SET? My primary goal as a coach is to keep on developing new skillful skaters and have fun on the ice. And yes of course, I want my teams to be the best teams in Sweden, but higher up in the international ranking as well. Like I said, we now have a new Junior team, so here our goal is to again qualify for worlds and to start clim­ bing that international ladder. Once, it was Sweden who ruled the Synchro World? Yes, I know, and I really would like Synchro to be a much bigger sport in Sweden, but I think I speak on behalf of all Swedish Synchro-coaches when I say that we all are trying our absolute best to make that happen again. WITH ALL THESE GOALS, YOU SET YOURSELF UP FOR A LOT OF WORK? That’s why I’m so happy to have a supportive partner and daughter in my life because sometimes it’s hard for me to separate work and time off, indeed. When you work on something that you really love and care about and you have set some challenging goals, you know it's going to be time-consuming and you sometimes need to make sacrifices, but once your team hold the medals in their hand and you have rea­ ched your goal, you just feel it was all worth it! Besides, there’s so much you get in return… so many positive memories to carry with you, your whole life. You grow as a person and learn so much. Competitions, traveling, friends and everything else that comes with the sport. It's just amazing! WHAT IS THERE TO TELL ABOUT YOUR PRACTICES? Well, we practice 4-5 days a week but we are now trying to change that so we can practice even more. Ice time in Gothenburg is the tricky part because there are many clubs that have to share the available Ice. At this point we are trying to make some changes in the different team’s schedules to be as effective as possible. We at­ tend camps outside of Gothenburg to develop our ska­ ting even further. And of course, there’s also the struggle for money to buy more ice time, year after year. WHEN TRAVELING FOR COMPETITIONS YOU GET TO SEE SO MANY TEAMS, DID YOU EVER SEE ONE THAT BECAME YOUR FAVORITE? That´s a hard question. There are so many great teams out there and I enjoy all of them and I learn from them, but in fact there is one team I treasure most, they are really professional, have very skilled skaters and most important… skate always with the right spirit and that´s Team Haydenettes from the USA. Do you like the traveling itself? Yes, I love traveling with the teams. We have so much fun together, the teammembers get to know each other better and you get to see so many different cities in the world. But to be honest, my absolute favorite competition is still the Leon Lurjé Trophy! It’s a great competition that we host here in Gothenburg and I just love it! We have so many people working together with this event and many teams from all over the world are coming here to com­ pete and they get to see our beautiful city. For me…. the most beautiful week of the year! IS COACHING A FULL-TIME JOB FOR YOU? Yes, I do work fulltime as a coach nowadays. What if you didn’t beco- me a coach? I certainly would do something else and I think it would be something like event-planning. Events do have my interest. Regarding sports, I do love other sports, but I have not really practiced any other sports since I was a kid, so I´m not really sure what I would do. I do like to take walks and go to the gym and I love dancing. Talking about dancing, when observing you cheer & jump beside the ice rink when your team is on… is that the real person Frida? Hahaha, yes that's me all right, most of the time anyway. I'm a bit calmer when I´m at home or with friends, but when I'm with the team or on the ice I'm just happy. I´m a very outgoing, social and happy soul and I love my family and friends! I'm trying my best to always give my everything. I love this sport and I always want what’s best for my skaters. Some skaters have been with me for years and years and I brought teams from bottom to top so, I hope that I will keep on developing as a coach and will be able to give my skaters all the support they deserve and that I will keep on cheering and jumping. BACK TO YOUR WORK, WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROGRAM, CHOICE OF MUSIC AND COSTUMES AND SO ON? Sometimes I choose the music, sometimes the coaches together and sometimes even the skaters help but, yes eventually I decide the music we’re going to skate to. Of course, I get help with the costumes, but MY PRIMARY GOAL AS A COACH IS TO KEEP ON DEVELOPING NEW SKILLFUL SKATERS AND HAVE FUN ON THE ICE. I´m involved in the decisions here as well. Theme, music, costumes and choreography are all most important to create the perfect program. Is Sweden on the right track to develop Synchro and further? My feelings on this subject are that Skate Sweden as well as the ISU and many other countries are definitely on the right track in developing this sport. With a positive attitude and approach, we will one fine day achieve our dream goal of becoming an Olympic sport. But Sweden has had a tough season? Yes, Swedish synchro this year has been hard on senior level and that’s a new situation for us and of course that’s very sad but we’re already looking forward to the future and what beauty it will bring! We’ve had some struggle getting enough skaters for our Senior teams, but I believe starting now by really focusing on the younger teams will be good for the fu­ ture for synchro in Sweden. We are definitely growing in younger levels, so we are building on a new and strong solid foundation. DID YOU QUALIFY FOR WORLDS? We are a new team and a trip like this here to Mozart Cup really helps the team get closer to one and other, to start feeling like a team, but still we only got together last October. We did not qualify for Worlds this year but. I feel like we’ve come a long way already and it´s a young team, so I´m SYNCHRO NICE 59