SynchroNice / Fourth Edition / 2019

Unfortunately, team Surprise dissolved this season, but will not be forgotten. Here at the 2019 Leon Lurje Trophy in Gothenburg, the organization took a moment to thank all teammembers and coaches who were invited, for their efforts, commitment and great results over the years. Coach Andrea Dohany was clearly moved by all the attention, some athletes went quiet, and some got quite emotional, but we don’t believe this to be a fare­ well forever, it’s merely a goodbye for now. A solemn moment in a very cheerful weekend, because the 2019 edition of the Leon Lurje Trophy was all about beautiful skating, singing and dancing in the stands and a great atmosphere. Compared to some other competi­ tions it’s not as big, but the quality of the organization is stunning and it’s easy to understand why so many great teams like to perform here. This weekend Basic Novice A & B and some of the finest Synchronized Skating teams in the world in Novice Advance, Junior and Senior competed fiercely here at the Frölundaborg Ice-rink and set an example for what’s to be expected from Synchronized Skating - not only this season but over the coming seasons. Synchronized Skating is definitely evolving rapidly and by 2022… some people will scratch their heads asking themselves if they made a wise decision not including Synchro in the Winter Olympics. About the outcome there’s not much to say. Team Para­ dise in their breathtaking apricot dresses outperformed the others this time. The Rockettes were very solid and skated with a lot of self-confidence to win the silver and although it was great skating by the Haydenettes, Les Supremes got very unlucky to not make the podium. Something new and very exciting was the fast rotating wheel, where all 16 athletes cling together and bend over 90 degrees backwards, by Team Sunrise 1 in Junior category. It was by far the most stunning move we saw this weekend and it put them on a well-deserved golden podium. It’s always a joy to visit Sweden and the Leon Lurje Trophy in Gothenburg, and we’ll definitely be back - and not just for the coffee & pastry that was so kindly and frequently offered to the photographers and videog­ raphers next to the ice rink. Tnx Leon Lurje Trophy, you were just… GREAT.  129