SynchroNice / Fourth Edition / 2019
my hometown with all my family and friends there to watch me and the team, that is extra special. Of course, I love the traveling to other competitions and I always enjoy it so much. It’s always sort of exhausting but relaxing at the same time. It’s an ideal kind of getaway from everyday life. On each trip we get to know each other even more and come back home closer than before and you also meet new people and make new friends. Are there other teams that you like? Yes, for sure. I’m a huge fan of Team Paradise from Russia. Me and all of my teammates like to go and watch synchronized skating competitions throughout the season anyway. Besides of course ‘the boys’ and fashion, it is our favorite topic. Do you think of yourself as a good skater? Above all, I always try to be a good team skater/ player because that’s what’s really important in Synchronized Skating. Being a part of a big family and growing up with 4 brothers and a sister, surely helped me develop my team player skills. I am very happy to be a team captain and I really hope my teammates appreciate my efforts for the team. We are not going to talk Olympics anymore, that’s something in the far future, but Synchro Skating is evolving and getting more professional every year. What do you think or feel that has to be done for Synchro to keep progressing? It’s not just a matter of money. I think there are many ways Syn chro Skating can evolve, especially in its popularity. Media is always an important way to popularize anything. We could and should be more present in everyday newspaper articles, radio, TV and online. It will bring Synchro Skating closer to the people. Your SynchroNice Magazine is a great way to do this as well, hahaha. By always trying to do your utmost and making our fans proud I hope to attract more people to the competitions so they will also get to know synchronized skating and love it as much as we do. I also won’t lose hope that Syn chronized Skating will become part of the Olympics somewhere in the near future. A final word? I am very happy and proud to be a part of this great magazine. Keep up your good work! Always stay positive and believe in yourself. SKATING IN MY HOMETOWN WITH ALL MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS THERE TO WATCH ME AND THE TEAM, THAT IS EXTRA SPECIAL SYNCHRO NICE 121
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